Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Dialogue Recording, Editing, ADR, Vocal Processing, Mastering, Vocal Mic Techniques, Boom Operations, Field Mixing

This is an Independent film that a colleague of mine is working on. I worked on all the audio production for the film. All foley was recorded and edited through Pro Tools. I rewired Reason by Propellarhead as an insert through one of my Pro Tools tracks and used my midi controller to punch in my sound designs. The environmental room tone was recorded by me using a sennheiser shotgun mic, along with a omni directional lavalier placed on the side of the bar. All signal on the field was recorded into a Dp-008 Tascam. I then exported files from the Tascam and imported them into my Pro Tools dialogue and sound design session. All dialogue was replaced in the studio with a Neumann U87 on the male actor and a Audio Technica 2020 on the female actress. These are both condenser mics switch to its cardioid polar pattern. These signals were then processed through dbx class IV preamps and converted through a Lexicon U82s A/D to D/A converter. All mixing and editing was done through my Pro Tools 11 software and then bounced out to a WAV format. Once that was done I applied all of my mastering techniques through the Ozone Izoptope mastering suite. Once that file was exported out of Ozone, I then imported that file into Adobe Premiere, and synced audio with the video. The ADR (automated dialogue replacement) came out very nice and clean. The dialogue was synced well with mouth movements and the ambiance fit the location well.

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